DRONGEN, 4-6 JUNI 2019
Towards a new leadership for new times:
How can we liberate the creative energy in organisations in service of their purpose?
Today’s world seems to be looking for a new cohesion, a new balance in which complexity and well-being can go hand in hand. We see this searching in both individuals and the collective. Multinationals and small businesses, welfare and care organisations are forced to question their classical structures and habits. People are searching for new ways of thinking and doing in order to respond flexibly to the relentless stream of change in the markets, regulations and expectations of the many stakeholders …
The book Reinventing organizations by Frederick Laloux (2015) responds to these questions and has set a lot in motion. Concepts such as wholeness, trust and wisdom are no longer seen as vague or naïve in organisations. The dream of so many people, to actively and equally participate in their own organisation within the profit and the social profit sectors, no longer seems so unattainable. The time is now; the need is great.
But the question is: how do you start? How do we manage, as we move away from pure hierarchy, to remain efficient and effective? How do we enable people across the different hierarchical layers or with different areas of responsibility to connect with each other? How do we increase the involvement of employees with each other and the mission of the organisation? How do we efficiently make committed decisions that are quickly executable? The Art of Hosting, Sociocracy 3.0 and other approaches offer many clues. Which of these blocks can build bridges?
In this training we will go in search of this new operating system and also of new leadership: leadership which contains both stillness (inwardness, creating space and collective listening, transparency …) and acceleration (responsibility, impact and continuous improvement …) .
We will dive into ‘the Art of Hosting Conversations that Matter’. These practice, methodologies and models form the cement for social innovation. They offer ways to take initiative, to connect with others in authentic dialogue and co-creative collaboration.
The ‘art’ in the ‘Art of Hosting’ is to enlist the collective intelligence of a group of people, community, organisation or company and to use it in service to better and more sustainable solutions for complex challenges. A growing number of people around the world together form an open community and learning network that is constantly developing in its understanding of complexity and exploring new ways of thinking and innovating organisation. During this training you can immerse yourself in it.